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State Efforts

The objective of the CAI state-level volunteer team is to ensure your state's priority lien law is not repealed or changed from priority lien to payment priority.  

  1. ​​State Legislature
    ​Advise your state lobbyist to be on the lookout for any changes to the state priority lien laws and to stay aware of any chatter from the bankers regarding change the law to the "Tennessee model".

Note:  We strongly suggest against the CAI LAC making any changes to the existing priority lien law as it becomes a vehicle for the bankers to use to repeal the law.  The strategy must be a defensive nature in response to any threats.

Develop Allies

  1. ​Developers:  Speak with builders and developers in your state to gain their support.  Developers, especially in large communities that will be under developer control for many years will see communities suffer with blight, abandoned homes, and stalled foreclosures whereby nobody is paying the community association assessments. The developer and other residents will have to make up the financial short-fall caused by these stalled foreclosures.

  2. Realtors: Speak with the Realtors about how prolonged foreclosures hurt home prices and home sales in communities, so they understand the priority lien benefit to them. 

  3. Legislators sympathetic to community association ​​​​​residents who won't be fooled or swayed by big banks ​

​​​Be Prepared

  1. ​If a bill is introduced or there is an imminent threat, convene the team to meet with state legislators, as needed to address the issue.

  2. Connect with CAI for talking points, strategy and media assistance.