CAI is pleased to provide this directory of credentialed professionals which lists those who have earned one of our credentials: Association Management Specialist (AMS), Large-Scale Manager (LSM), Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM), Reserve Specialist (RS), or Community Insurance and Risk Management Specialist (CIRMS) designations, members of the College of Community Association Lawyers (CCAL), and companies that have earned the Accredited Association Management Company (AAMC) accreditation. Learn more about what these credentials mean to you and your community.
Search by name in the box below or by state and credential through the options listed on the right. If you cannot locate a particular record, try using fewer search parameters. As individuals can remove themselves from the directory, the directory should not be used in as the sole way to determine if someone has earned a credential. Please contact for questions related to the directory.
Note: The credentialed professionals and companies listed in this directory have earned the recognition of being included in the directory. The listing provides a way to locate and contact individual colleagues and peers. The directory is not published with the intent of being recreated and used as a list rental or used by companies to market their products and services. We strongly discourage this type of use, as members receiving unwanted solicitations will likely view sponsors with disfavor.
CMCA Note: The CAI Directory of Credentialed Professionals only lists those individuals that have a designation through CAI. Individuals seeking information regarding those who hold Community Association Managers International Certification Board's CMCA certification must use While some individuals listed in the CAI directory may also have the CMCA, they are listed because they have one of CAI's designations as well. We do not list people who solely have the CMCA.