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Remove Discriminatory Restrictive Covenants

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​To advance racial equity, CAI supports a process by which a governing board of a community association may remove antiquated and unenforceable discriminatory restrictions contained in covenants without a vote of the owners. CAI advocates the adoption of state legislation that provides for a process to allow for the removal of restrictions deemed to be discriminatory under the federal Fair Housing Act and/or state anti-discrimination laws.  ​

Model language is included in CAI's Amendment Process to Remove Discriminatory Restrictive Covenants Public Policy.

Restrictive Covenant in Deeds State Laws

States highlighted in Blue have a statute to aid in the removal of restrictive covenants in deeds and associations. States highlighted in Green have statutes that only cover deeds.​
