The Legislative Action Committee (LAC) of the Michigan Chapter of Community Association Institute (CAI) is a group of volunteers that work together toward legislative solutions that are right for Michigan community associations. The LAC educates state legislators and advocates to protect the interest of those living in and serving community associations. Here is the status of some of the LAC's activities from last year:
House Bill 4015 — This bill would require budget approval by the majority of the co-owners to raise assessments, allow co-owners to withhold assessments, and re-create an administrator to file lawsuits against associations and board members. The LAC opposes the measure because of the burden it will place on community associations. The bill is pending consideration in its committee of referral.
House Bill 4446 — This bill would remove anti-lawsuit provisions so associations can defend themselves and enforce bylaws. The LAC supports the measure as it would benefit homeowners living in associations. Rep. Klint Kesto introduced the bill. It received a hearing on October 31, 2017, but has not been voted out of committee.
House Bill 5266 — This bill would require landlords to provide voter registration forms to tenants upon moving in. Landlords could be fined $1,000 for failing to do so. If community associations acquired units through foreclosure then leased them, they would have to provide the voter registration forms or risk being fined. The LAC is monitoring this bill and has not taken a position yet.
Senate Bill 386 — This bill would amend the Michigan General Property Tax Act. CAI has proposed three changes:
Condominium associations would be notified of all tax foreclosures;
Associations would have more time to challenge a foreclosure under MCR 2.612 if the property was not sold at tax sale; and
Associations would be reimbursed excess proceeds from tax sale to satisfy obligations under the governing documents.
The bill was heard on June 6, 2017. Sen. Judy Emmons will introduce items #1 and #3 in a separate bill. The LAC continues to advocate for associations to have more time to challenge a foreclosure.
Senate Bill 663 — This bill would criminalize the false representation of an emotional support pet to a prospectiv e landlord or housing provider. The bill does not define “housing provider", and LAC is working to have community associations explicitly included. The bill is pending consideration in its committee of referral.