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Condominium Deconversion/Termination State Statutes


Condominium deconversion is the process of bulk selling a condominium property to a third party to be turned into rental units. According to CAI’s Guiding Principles for Community Association Governing Documents: A Resource For Lawyers, the standard termination approval process of a condominium building requires a vote of 80% of the unit owners. Many states include the owner approval voting percentage in their state Condominium Act or Common Interest Community Act.

​For the map below:

Determined by the condominium declaration
Requires a vote of 67% of the unit owners
Requires a vote of 75% of the unit owners
Requires a vote of 80% of the unit owners
Requires a vote of 100% of the unit owners

References: Uniform Condominium Act SECTION 2-118. TERMINATION OF CONDOMINIUM and Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act (UCIOA) SECTION 2-118 TERMINATION OF COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY.

​ * Texas has an exception for condominium documents - a declaration can lower the 100% requirement to no less than 80%

*​In Arizona, condominums built after July 2022 require a 95% vote