Corporate Transparency Act- Act Now!
Tell congress to support H.R. 425 and S. 100! If passed, both bills will completely repeal the CTA and its beneficial owner reporting requirements.
Support the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow's Workforce Act
Tell congress to support access to HOA/Condo Professional Certifications and Career Advancement by passing H.R. 1151!
It's easy and you can make a difference!
It's easy and you can make a difference! If state or federal legislation is introduced that could impact your community, you will receive an advocacy alert email that includes easy ways for you to take action. The more people that take action, the better we can protect the the 77.1 million people living and working in America's 369,000 community associations! In 2024, around 14,500 advocates contacted their state and/or federal legislators over 23,500 times total to support or oppose legislation that impacted the community association industry.
CAI Advocacy Blog
Want an in-depth look at the latest legislative issues facing the community association industry? Check out our blog, with new content posted weekly on major issues impacting community associations and overviews of CAI’s legislative efforts in statehouses across the country, as well as our advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill.
Become a CAI Advocate
If state or federal legislation impacting your community is introduced, you can sign up to receive an advocacy alert email that includes easy ways for you to act. The more people that act, the better we can protect people living and working in community associations.
CAI's Advocacy Tool Kit
CAI #VoteforHome!
84% of community association homeowners plan to vote in all national elections according to our research. This makes CAI members the most effective voting block in the nation.
Constituents in your Communities
Connect with CAI today to assist you in inviting your legislators! Community events like yours are a great opportunity for your state and federal elected officials to get to know their constituents, experience their local community spirit, and learn what issues are important to communities like yours.