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M-100 California Edition & Education Series


CAI makes it convenient to become a Certified Common Interest Development Manager (CCIDM) in California by completing the 30 hours of California-specific curriculum with our California Manager Education Series. Take advantage of this online series and obtain the skills to effectively manage common interest developments (CID’s) in California. This series includes the required course exams that test competence in common interest development management and provide you the foundation to begin your CID management career. Learn​ more about the CCIDM requirements.​​

California Manager Education Series: Course Length and Format
Complete the following on-demand virtual courses and pass the exams within 120 days of registering:

  1. Become a CAI member​ and take advantage of the discounted rate for the California Manager Education Series.

  2. M-100 California Edition: The Essentials of Community Association Management​* (24 hours total) M-100 also qualifies as a pre-requisite for taking the exam to earn the Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA®) certification. The M-100 course (starting in September 2022) includes the California Common Interest Development (CID) Law Course. (8 hours total) The CID Law Course is also available as a separate online course.** (See below)

  3. ​California manager webinar modules (6 hours total):

​Course Materials

In addition to the participant guide​ and a link with bonus readings and materials, students will receive an extra California-specific handout packet.


​CAI member: $579 | Nonmember: $67​9 Join Now!

​CID Law Course

**The CID Law Course​ is also ​available as an eight-hour standalone, self-paced online course as well as a live webinar with your local California CAI Chapter.​ CAI member: $75 | Nonmember: $95 Join Now!

*The M-100 currently includes the CID Law Course (24 hours total). If you have taken the M-100 prior to September 2022 (16 hours total), it did not include the CID Law Course. Please contact CAI or your local chapter if you need validation on whether or not you have taken the CID Law Course.

Where are you on the CCIDM path? This is a self-reported certification program. Depending on where you are in your career path, you may have already met some of the qualifications.

New managers: See requirements 1-3 above to complete 30 hours of education.

CMCA certified: You may already qualify to call yourself a CCIDM. Please review the exact requirements in steps 1-3 above. To ensure you have met all the requirements, we are offering the California manager webinar modules (6 hours) at no additional cost to you. You can register for the webinars in step 3 above. (Please note, these do not count toward continuing education credit as they are exclusively designed for the CCIDM.)

Seasoned managers: If you know you have completed all of the requirements in steps 1-3, please proudly use the CCIDM graphic in your signature, on your business cards, and website.​

